Contact/Quote Form

Mr. Miss Mrs Ms
First Name
Last Name
Company/Organization Name
Street Address
State or Province
Zip Code
Phone Number
FAX Number
Voice Mail
E-Mail Address
Web URL address
My need is Urgent, Immediate
30-90 Days
Over 120 Days
I would like more information on:
Choose all that apply.

Hold the Control key [Ctrl] to choose more than one.

Problems with existing dust collector/filter:

1. Brand Name

2. Baghouse    Cartridge    Scrubber    Precipitator
3. Type of problem:

Request for replacement parts/filters:
1. Brand Name:
2. Type:
3. Size:
New Project:
1. Application:
2. Lead Time requirement:
3. Budget:
4. Space Limitations:
Upgrade Project:
1. Meet O.S.H.A., E.P.A. or other requirement:
2. List your Emission Requirements:
3. Extend filter life:
4. Decrease Maintenance Requirement:
5. Increase capacity of existing unit:

Please send us your comments, or tell us in what way we may serve you.


Webber-Potterfield Equipment Incorporated
3120 Wooster Road   Cleveland, Ohio 44116
Voice: (440) 333-1945 FAX: (440) 333-2231


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